Monday, 25 October 2010

new boxes

Well I been thinking, making and uploading onto my shop some more boxes.
As Christmas is coming Santa will need a cookie for his journey, so I have done a small pizza box just fit for a cookie for him...

And these boxes will hold a small cake for a party. These will also double up as party bags.

Happy crafting Caroline x

Saturday, 23 October 2010

More new bits

More new bits have been popped into my shop Pink Blossom Creations. I have even managed to sort out set postage rates for buying so I don't over charge and everyone knows where they stand. I have been sorting the shop out from about 7ish this morning... and now should start to create some more things.
Here are my candle boxes that I have popped into the shop..

Happy Crafting Caroline x

Saturday, 16 October 2010

New shop

I have been trying hard to keep up with orders from my ladies with the cake boxes and at the sametime I have been trying to update and sort out my shop. I tool the plunge and took out a 2 year shop which was free, but I have to do all the work myself. I am not the greatish techy person but I am getting there.
So the handmade box photo on the right is now the link to my NEW shop..

Here is a photo of some Wedding bits I have done...

Happy Crafting Caroline xx

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

So slack.... Christmas Card Packs

Well Iwas back and then had so many orders for my boxes that I was not around for a while. Then it was my eldests 15th birthday on Sunday.
I have though managed to put some cards into my new shop, that I am just working on at the moment, but having to make the cards and gifts as well...
I thought I would show you a couple of the cards I have done for it.

Happy creating
Caroline x

Thursday, 23 September 2010

I am back..

As you can see I have deleted all previous posts. I felt I needed some time out and change my direction. I have been playing around with some card and stamps, the end creation has been cake boxes. I have had lots of orders which is great. So I thought I would pop a couple on here for you to see.

Thanks for looking. Happy Crafting x x